Title: Pavement Cracks Characters: Poison Ivy/Pamela Isley, Harley Quin/Harleen Quinzel Summary: Poison Ivy is locked behind the walls of Arkham but not for long. A/N: Aquatinted.
Title: Maybes Fandom: Gotham City Sirens, Batman Comics Characters/Pairings: Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Harley Quinn Summary: Pamela doesn't hate Selina. Not really. A/N: Awkward ending is awkward, but it's all I've got. Might be aquatinted.
Title: This is Not About Love Fandom: Batman the Animated Series Word Count: 1,977 Characters/Pairings: Poison Ivy, Batgirl, Harley Quinn, the Joker, and Batman Summary: Ivy, Harley, and the Joker the definiftion of insanity. Light f/f mentioned. A/N: Written April 2009.
Title:Something She Has to Do Fandom: Batman the Animated Series Word count: 1,625 Characters/Pairings: Poisin Ivy (Pamela Isely), Harely Quinn (Harleen Quinzel) Summary: Pamela Isley hates Gotham City because nothing can grow there. Ivy/Harley hints A/N: Written for Yuri_Challenge weekly drabble 2008